That autumn Prague was filled with visitors. Walking pass the mass of tourists in an old town, I encountered silence all of a sudden. The…
Comments closed[글쓴이:] thelilcorn
©강냉이 It simply is a recording of a ladybug climbing up a tree, which caught my attention when I was mooching about in London…
Comments closedAfter tiring days of studying in Vienna, I jumped on a bus with a friend and headed north. It was a decision made on impulse…
Comments closed(PHOTO: University of Vienna ©EAEL) 대성동을 향한 강냉이의 관심과 한반도 문제에 대한 고민들을 더욱 깊이 들여다 볼 수 있는 학문적 배경을 쌓기 위해 몇몇…
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